I am a Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher in Kundalini with RYT 500-hour certification. My first Kundalini class was on August 4, 1971. Several months later, I taught my first Kundalini class and have been consistently teaching and practicing ever since.

It took the next 20 years to clear my head from my immersion in the 1960’s so that I could focus and concentrate on a career. And, yes, my daily kundalini practice and teaching kundalini remained steady during this time.

In 1975, I graduated from Brooklyn Law School and practiced law for just one year after graduation. I needed to find myself. And…I slowly did. My career in the “natural foods industry” as an executive sales manager began in 1991 with the Yogi tea company (for 21 years) and more recently (last 7 years) with a plant-based yogurt manufacturer of almond and coconut cup yogurts.

Towards the end of 2022, I will be leaving my “livelihood” to be fully immersed with my “lovelihood” – teaching and practicing kundalini yoga.

From the beginning of my yoga practice, I unfortunately fell into the numbing practice of “Spiritual Bypassing” which is defined as:

The use of spiritual practices or beliefs to avoid dealing with painful feelings, unresolved wounds, and developmental needs

“When Spirituality Disconnects Us from What Really Matters” by Robert Augustus Masters, PhD.

The beginning of my awakening from my long-time practice of “Spiritual Bypassing” started in 2010 with significant disruptions in my life (community divorce followed by a marital divorce).

Through the heart-breaking experiences from those 2 divorces and the help of 3 and 1/2 years of therapy, I slowly opened to paying attention to my painful feelings and unresolved wounds.

Over the years, I have acquired more and more developmental awareness, the skills to encounter the risks of emotional exposure, and both the courage & willingness to be vulnerable.

I continue to awaken to my Authentic, open-hearted self and choose the path of “better” rather “bitter”.

I look forward to connecting with you and supporting your journey to “better.”